Introduction to Nmap

Nmap, short for Network Mapper, is an industry-standard for discovering different services and hosts. Oftentimes, it is used by hackers to find and exploit open ports that enable them to obtain access to sensitive data. This can lead to a strategic risk that can permanently damage the information and service integrity of the owner. White hatters also use Nmap to scope the landscape of open ports, but to ensure that they are adjusted accordingly to maintain proper accessibility. In this piece, I cover some beginner essentials for using Nmap, including popular flags, many of which can be expounded upon through the ‘man nmap’ description.

NMAP Feature/Flag



Syn Scan


UDP Scan


Operating System


Service Version


Verbosity (v x2)

-oA / -oN / -oG

Save Results to all three major formats/normal formal/grepable format


Aggressive scan that activates service detection, operating system detecetion, a traceroute, and common script scanning


Timing level () --> The greater, the nosier and quicker

-p (#-# for specific range of ports, - for all ports)

scan specific port


Activate script from nmap scripting library


TCP Connect Scan

Categories: Cyber


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