Azure RBAC/ABAC Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a key aspect of Azure Identity and Access Management and allows roles to be assigned to users to determine their permissions across different cloud hierarchy levels, ie management groups, subscriptions, etc. Additionally, it is generally recommended to assign roles on the higher hierarchal levels to make resources easier to manage at scale.  We can help decide which users get which roles by considering three Read more…

Azure Policy

Azure Policy An Azure policy is a rule that can be placed across management groups, resource groups, and resources to ensure that each respective environment is compliant with the organization’s standards. This means that real-time action can be taken against non-compliant areas, whether that be completely preventing their addition to the Azure environment, placing an audit note to notify administrators, etc. A special feature here is the remediation task, which allows the use of an Read more…

Azure Cloud Hierarchy

Azure Cloud Hierarchy Cloud governance is the rules, policies, and practices that help run an organization’s environment. This set of conditions helps an organization remain organized in several ways, from creating logical separations of resources across different departments to tracking costs in a more orderly manner to ensuring correct authorization and accessibility of user permissions. Azure splits up its governance hierarchy as such:  Root Management Group  Single top-level management group to set global policies Management Read more…

Passing the AZ-900

Passing the AZ-900 The Azure Fundamentals exam, or AZ-900, is Microsoft’s introductory certification into the world of the Azure cloud platform. Preparing for it gives one an overview of several key cloud computing concepts and general services, along with specifics that make Azure unique from its competitors such as AWS or GCP. A few topics covered include: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) Public, Private, Hybrid Read more…

Networking Fundamentals

Networking Fundamentals As a student exploring cybersecurity, I’m always hearing that getting a grasp of networking fundamentals is essential for any branch. From a penetration testing environment, protocols can commonly be pathways for breaking into systems and doing harm. For example, the relatively EternalBlue exploit took advantage of the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol on port 445 in Windows 7 and 8 devices and allowed attackers to gain root access to those machines. From a Read more…

Upgrading to Larger SSDs

Upgrading to Larger SSDs Introduction Last year, I had the chance to grab a 16gb RAM stick and a 1TB SSD ROM and asked my friend B, a much more tech-savvy person than myself, to help me out with upgrading my laptop. Despite me asking, I kept procrastinating the upgrade, as something in my head kept reminding me that this was a scary hardware mission I’d never once embarked on. Yesterday, the time finally came: Read more…

Introduction to Nmap

Introduction to Nmap Nmap, short for Network Mapper, is an industry-standard for discovering different services and hosts. Oftentimes, it is used by hackers to find and exploit open ports that enable them to obtain access to sensitive data. This can lead to a strategic risk that can permanently damage the information and service integrity of the owner. White hatters also use Nmap to scope the landscape of open ports, but to ensure that they are Read more…

SAP Cybersecurity Virtual Internship

SAP Cybersecurity Virtual Internship Earlier this fall, SAP, a multinational software company, released their Cybersecurity Virtual Internship in partnership with Forage. Without a doubt, SAP places a great emphasis on security solutions, ensuring that their customers have access to key services like security information and event management (SIEM), on-prem and private cloud application security, active logging, analysis, and threat detection, to name a few. To say the least, I was very curious to discover which Read more…
